Black Friday special

Are you tired of having to get up early on Black Friday, bundle up, drive all over creation, and stand in lines just to save a couple of bucks? Well, now you don't have to! Sleep in, stay home, and shop in your underwear for all we care! (Nice boxers, btw.)

Just use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY10 when checking out and you'll save, you guessed it, 10% on your order, no minimum! Then you can go back to sleep, watch some football, or maybe have some more turkey.

Of course, if you really *want* to get up early, I'm not going to stop you. You're your own person, I'm just a moose on the internet. What time you choose to get up really doesn't affect me. Unless it's moose season and you're a hunter. That might actually affect me... Um, you wouldn't shoot a moose with glasses on, would you?

But hey, it's not moose season, you're not a hunter, and nobody is shooting at anybody today. It's Black Friday and I'm giving you 10% off your entire purchase if you use the coupon BLACKFRIDAY10.

Now, do you have any cranberry sauce left? I'm feeling a little peckish.

I'm a moose, these are my cups

Hello everyone, and welcome to my little corner of this "internet" thing humans are always going on about. The nice folks here at Bling Yo Beverage have set me up with a laptop and wireless connection in the woods after the meeting in their office went, um, shall we say "askew"? Yes, we shall. Between the tile floors and the low hanging light fixtures, well, the decor was kinda ugly anyway and needed to be replaced.

But that's neither here nor there, I'm here to talk about my cups. But just to set the record straight, I approached them with this idea, not the other way around. They were hiking through my woods talking about plans for an online party cup business, so I took the chance and made my pitch. Once they climbed down out of the trees and got over the whole talking moose thing, they were impressed with my design and this is the result. I hope you like them.
